The study started with a few posters out in the world with no branding, just an arrow pointing to something curious. On the arrow was the question "FYSIGUNKUS?" - Fysigunkus means a person who is devoid of curiosity.
The Journey worked like this....
Someone would see the poster:
If someone were curious enough to search "Fysigunkus Penguin" they would be met with this video on google search. (Everything used to make the video can be found by searching Google.)
At the end of the video, there were direct links to Google tools and actual search terms used to find the information. A person could explore further now that their curiosity was peaked.
Here are some other examples:
Teaser videos were seeded on YouTube... Here are just a few of them.
Curious tip-ins and postcards with various stories were placed in magazines. They were made to look like a person rather than a brand had placed them.
Also, an images ripped from other magazine were placed in Nat Geo.